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Romanian leu exchange rate– RON/PLN

The Romanian leu is the official currency of Romania, denoted by the symbol L and the official abbreviation RON. The National Bank of Romania issues this currency, which has a rich history and is of great importance to the local economy.

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Best offer in Walutomat

0,8342 PLN


Best offer in Walutomat

0,8428 PLN

Average worldwide exchange rate question mark

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0,8385 PLN

Exchange rate chart

Last exchanges

Last exchange transactions

How long ago Exchange rate Amount
2025-02-09 22:21 0,8468 101,20 RON
2025-02-08 13:05 0,8468 196,24 RON
2025-02-08 13:05 0,8382 99,34 RON
2025-02-08 12:54 0,8468 493,06 RON
2025-01-31 14:29 0,8508 121,47 RON
2025-01-17 13:14 0,8600 80 374,41 RON
2025-01-14 07:07 0,8629 46,35 RON

Total sum of exchanges in the last 10 days

Day Total sum of concluded transactions
2025-02-12 0,00 RON
2025-02-11 0,00 RON
2025-02-10 0,00 RON
2025-02-09 101,20 RON
2025-02-08 788,64 RON
2025-02-07 0,00 RON
2025-02-06 0,00 RON
2025-02-05 0,00 RON
2025-02-04 0,00 RON
2025-02-03 0,00 RON

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Romanian leu – history of the currency

Romania was created in 1859 as a result of the unification of the Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia. This unification, known as the Unification of the Danubian Principalities, was a key step towards the creation of the modern Romanian state. In 1862, the new state adopted the name „Romania” and Alexander John Cuza became its first prince. Five years later, the lei became the country's first official currency. Previously, Austrian thalers and Russian roubles, among others, had been used in the area. Initially, Romania's new currency was pegged to the French franc as part of the Latin Monetary Union. After World War I, the country struggled economically, which affected the stability of the leu. In the 1940s and 1950s, Romania, then under the influence of the Soviet Union, was mired in hyperinflation. After the 1989 revolution and the fall of Nicolae Ceaușescu's regime, Romania's economy transitioned towards a market economy. However, the RON was steadily losing value. In 2005, the Romanian currency was denominated in the country. The exchange was made at a ratio of 1 RON = 10,000 old lei. The changes were aimed at restoring confidence in the currency after years of inflation and devaluation. Throughout its history, the Romanian leu has been denominated as many as four times. In 2007, Romania became a member of the European Union. The country aims to adopt the single currency, the euro, but currently does not meet all the criteria required by the EU.


Romanian leu – information about the currency

1 Romanian leu is divided into 100 bani. The name of the currency comes from the word „leu”, meaning lion in Romanian. Coins of 1, 5, 10 and 50 bani are in circulation. On their obverse there is the Romanian coat of arms, i.e. an eagle with arms and a cross in its beak, which has a shield with the symbols of the Romanian provinces on its chest: Wallachia, Moldavia, Banat, Dobrudja and Transylvania. The reverse shows the denomination of the coin and the year of its production. The Romanian lei also comes in the form of banknotes with denominations of 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200 and 500 lei. Their front sides show images of important figures in Romanian history, such as George Enescu – an eminent Romanian composer (5 RON), Lucian Blaga – one of the most important Romanian intellectuals of the 20th century, with achievements in the fields of philosophy, poetry and drama (200 RON) or Mihai – considered one of the most prominent authors of Romanian literature (500 RON). On their backs, there are places associated with the figures presented on the front. On the 5 RON banknote, we can see the Philharmonic building and sheet music, the 200 RON is decorated with the church in Lancram and philosophical motifs, and the 500 RON depicts the National Library of Romania.